It’s possible that you won’t receive as large of a settlement as you thought you would. It’s even possible that your claim could be denied.
If your property suffers harm from rain, flooding, or plumbing leaks, your first call should be to Your Insurance Attorney, not your insurance company. Why?
Sometimes, the denial of a water damage claim is legitimate and appropriate. However, it is common for an independent water damage claims lawyer to discover that the insurance company isn’t correctly interpreting the policy’s language.
It’s also a possibility that the insurance company’s adjuster is unfairly assessing the damage or making an error that’s causing your claim to be denied when it should be paid.
Most insurance companies have a vested interest in paying you less so that they save money.
When you work with a lawyer who focuses on water damage claims, you can rest assured that all of your problems will be thoroughly investigated. We also work with experts that use sophisticated technology to determine the full extent of the damage.
Once this is done, we have the facts and evidence to enhance your insurance claim. Our sole aim is to ensure that you are fully and fairly compensated for any water damage to your property that is covered by your insurance policy.
We only take cases that we believe a serious injustice has occurred. We review your evidence and documentation to tell you whether or not it’s worth pursuing an investigation, negotiation, and potential litigation.
Contact Your Insurance Attorney to find out if you may be able to get your medical bills reduced or have your insurer cover more of your claims.
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