With our compassion, legal knowledge, and experience, we can assess your situation for free to determine whether or not you may make a claim against the dog’s owner.
If you have suffered a debilitating dog bite and have incurred sizable medical bills, then you don’t have to struggle to pay those bills out-of-pocket. Receiving compensation from an insurance claim or a lawsuit will help you replace lost income and restore your peace of mind.
Statistics suggest that there are more than 90 million dogs and 327 million people in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 4.7 million people suffer dog bites each year. Accordingly, this demonstrates that 1 in every 69 people is bit by a dog every year.
Most of those dog bites aren’t serious as they don’t require medical care. Nonetheless, estimates show that about 800,000 dog bite injuries require medical attention every year.
In fact, the insurance industry paid about $853.7 million in dog bite claims in 2020.
Suppose a dog bites you while you are on someone else’s property. In that case, it’s possible that homeowner’s insurance may help to compensate you for your injuries. Similarly, injuries received from dog bites in the dog owner’s car may be covered by their automobile insurance policy. Some pet owners even have animal insurance to protect them if their dog
bites someone.
Even when homeowner’s, automobile, or animal insurance does not apply, it still may be possible to bring a claim against the dog’s owner.
We have the necessary resources to determine whether or not the dog’s owner carries applicable insurance coverage and if that coverage is sufficient to compensate you
for your losses.
Workers are sometimes required to enter private property as part of their responsibilities. Mail carriers, utility workers, and delivery people are just a few examples.
If you are lawfully on someone’s private property and are bit by a dog, then you may make a worker’s compensation claim. Working with Your Insurance Attorney will highlight all of the available options to you.
While some of these damages are relatively easy to quantify, others are not. It is difficult for an average person to place a dollar amount on “emotional distress” and “pain and suffering.”
Our extensive experience representing the victims of dog bites means that we can assess the debilitating financial, emotional and physical toll these attacks can take. We can help clients determine the compensation they may deserve, from costly medical bills to permanent scarring.
Seeking legal counsel may not be your first priority in the aftermath of a dog bite. It’s far more important to seek appropriate medical treatment and begin the healing process.
However, even at this early stage, it pays to begin documenting the accident and the care
that your injuries require. Before leaving the scene of the incident, make sure that you or
someone with you obtains the dog owner’s name, address, phone number, and other
pertinent information.
If they are not forthcoming, you may be well served by immediately calling the police to
file a report.
The more documentation that you collect, the easier it may be to prove your claim and perhaps even prevail in a lawsuit if one is necessary. Hang onto any paperwork that you complete in connection with the dog bite, your medical records and bills, and any notes that you make regarding phone conversations.
Your Insurance Attorney will use all of these materials, plus the testimony of experts, to ensure that you get a fair hearing before the insurance company or the court.
Remember that we don’t get paid unless you do. Whether you have filed a claim, accepted a lowball settlement, or just got attacked by someone’s pet, you need to call our experts.
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What does “we don’t get
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